Guts and Glory – Trusting your instincts in an evolving market

With the real estate market finally showing hints of recovery, now is the time to start thinking bold. For a company, that could mean exploring new markets or making visionary executive hires. For an individual, it could mean seeking out a more challenging position with a new company or finding ways to earn new responsibilities from a present employer. That’s not to say the markets for jobs and property are guaranteed to flourish in the short term. But eventually they will, and executives must begin to take stock of how their recent years in business will shape their analysis of emerging opportunities.

As the Great Recession wore on, those who kept the faith in their careers, ambitions and businesses emerged from the experience wiser and with a broadened perspective. Adapting constantly to worsening market conditions forced many to learn new skills and endure turns in their professional lives they didn’t anticipate. But the experience of the last four years was also cause for people to gain confidence after overcoming challenges they might not have realized were within their abilities. Leaders in real estate should feel assured of their judgment and their ability to make business decisions going forward. The same intuition that saw them through the difficult times will also help them spot market improvements and weigh new investments against their potential risks.

“No guts, no glory” will come to define the first business opportunities as the real estate market turns around. Fortunately, instincts and confidence rooted in experience will help decision makers know when it’s time to trust their guts and move forward.

For more than 20 years, Christopher Frederick has helped clients find executives with the judgment, experience and drive to grow their businesses. To learn more about how we can enhance your next executive search, contact firm principal Chris Hingle at Or visit our website at