Excluding a handful of marginalized economists, no one was prepared for what hit us during the Great Recession. So what credibility should we ascribe to people making predictions today about the economy’s future, when most of them completely missed the warning signs of the meltdown? My advice is this: stop listening, get motivated and get back in the game. Those who do will be Back and Better!
Growth will return to real estate at some point, just as it has to other sectors of the economy over the last 12 months. Leading firms will be looking for talent that can make the most of the market when it starts to recover. But what makes a strong executive in today’s tenuous real-estate industry? I’ve found today’s leaders are the people who never lost the values that made them successful during the prosperous years. They maintained their commitment to be the very best at what they do, even during uncertain times, and acted humbly toward others who were less fortunate. Great leaders make others better!
To find the best talent, today’s hiring managers also should seek executives who demonstrate:
- a willingness to adjust to changing circumstances
- a resolved determination to achieve
- the patience to see things through to the long term
- a knack for calculating risk
- a conviction that they control their own destiny
Hiring can be one of the most challenging duties of management, but it also has the most profound effect on a company’s success. As businesses watch closely for signs of recovery in real estate, the current job market offers a tremendous opportunity to recruit the talent that will guide the industry to renewed prosperity. Your moment is now. Let nothing stand in your way. The firms that take the lead today will be Back and Better in 2011!
At Christopher Frederick, we’ve spent more than 20 years seeking out the candidates best suited to our clients’ executive positions. To learn more about how we’re helping firms recruit the future leaders of real estate, contact Chris Hingle at chingle@chrisfred.com.